Sunday, January 20, 2013

The morning after

Woke up this morning to Todd standing over me stroking my cheek. He is feeling so much better than last night.

They have taken out the iv so we are done with lasix drip and now the drainage of excess fluid will just continue on. I can see that swelling in his legs and feet has dropped drastically. So that's good news

His blood sugars were a little low this morning , 55. So he had a good breakfast of an egg omelette with cheese, yogurt, grapes, peaches, and toast. Oh and orange juice. You would of thought it was candy the way he sipped at it with a big grin on his face. Lol

He got in the shower this morning so he's all clean for visitors!! And now we are just sitting here watching Mary poppins until he takes the remote from me.

Have a fantastic Sunday everyone !


  1. I wish I was feeling better...I would come sit with you guys! Hang in there, lots of prayers heading your way! Love you guys, Vikki

  2. So glad to hear he is feeling so much better. His swollen feet just look so painful. Sending positive vibes your way, my friend!

  3. Fantastic news. Give that nephew of mine a big peck on the cheek for me and then a nuggie so he knows its from me (although I haven't been able to give him one since he got a lot taller than me). Love you guys. Hang in there Todd.

  4. Glad to see some happy smiles - lets hope the good news continues!
