I am up early today getting ready to go to the dialysis clinic for our monthly visit, and just started thinking about the most important women in my life. I'm lucky,, I have two! This post is about one of them......
She is quiet, soft spoken, patient beyond reason, giving, kind, creative, caring, strong,, this woman's strength blows me away, and so many other things, above all she is humble! She has a testimony of the Gospel that Satan himself can not shake.
She amazes me every day. She is my friend, my idol, my rock, my soft spot, my safety zone. She listens when I need to vent, or cry, or just ramble senselessly, she is there for me any time, night or day,although she's more happy about it during daylight hours!, (usually only bad things happen in the dark!) she just amazes me. Her strength is beyond measure. She has overcome much, taught even more. She taught me how to cook, sew, clean, more importantly she taught me how to act like a lady, how to act so that when I met THE ONE, he would treat me with respect and dignity, she taught me the importance of respect for others, and for myself, and she taught me how to be a fantabulous mother to my own kids.
She has shown me there is a difference between loving someone, and liking what they do. And that you can still love someone and not like the choices they make, and that it's ok.
I put this woman through the ringer from about 1988 to well,,,, 2014 if we are being honest! She still worries relentlessly about me, only now she also worries about my husband, my kids, my job, my stress, everything that is me. And she loves me still!!
I loved standing next to her in the kitchen as she was cooking or baking, hopefully cookies, and I still love being with her in the kitchen, in her sewing room as I beg to play with her BRAND NEW AMAZING DOES EVERYTHING Sewing machine!, just being with her makes me happy, it brings me peace. Even just calling her on the phone and talking about whatever is important, or unimportant at the moment, reassures me that everything is going to be alright, and everything IS ok!
I loved that she was home for us after school, she didn't have to work back then, looking back that was a huge influence in my life, having her home when I walked through the door, although I didn't really appreciate it until much later. *as with most kids*
She helped me gain my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She is my example to this day.
There are so many things running through my head, so many thoughts of gratitude for all she has sacrificed for me.
She is an amazing Mum, and even better Momma, She is my best friend! (aside from my hubs) I couldn't have picked a better mentor to get me through this thing we call life.

I love her!
For every thing you've done and continue to do,,, Thanks Mum!
*don't be mad about the pictures! you are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!*