My family's life was completely torn to shreds 6 1/2 months ago, because my husband decided he wanted to take our son Christmas shopping, because the city of West Jordan decided in it's infinite wisdom, that although there are shoulders on our freeways, and corridor roads, a residential area can have approximately 108 feet of road with NO SHOULDER, and that is perfectly acceptable, because mother nature decided it was the perfect day for an odd ball storm, it was ridiculously dark at 5 pm, argue with me all you want, I drove in it, and I vividly remember thinking how strange it was that it was so dark so early, the snow and sleet were falling fast and hard, the roads were super slick,,,, and because someone decided it was perfectly ok and legal to get behind the wheel of his car, after drinking enough alcohol to put his BAL at a .13, .08 is the legal limit, and drive home at 5 in the afternoon with an open bottle in his car, doing 10 over the speed limit.
All of these are decisions someone else made.
Oddly enough Todd had gone to Smith's numerous times in the 2 weeks it had been open before the accident, without incident, He would have never put himself or our son in danger, and it was a cold but clear day when they left around 3. He never drove his wheelchair at night,, as it had only reflectors and no lights, he liked his new found freedom and was far from stupid when he used it.
The other causes were out of our control. The storm that quickly rolled in was nothing more than the Lord doing what needed to be done to set the stage. That is how I have to look at it, and how I will continue to do so.
The driver, he is the only one to blame for his actions. He chose to drink so early in the day. He chose to get behind the wheel of his car instead of calling his wife or a friend to come pick him up. HE made those decisions.
Was he the sole cause of the accident,, no, there are many factors that all played into this happening. I truly see the Lord's hand at work here. I know most of you will argue with me that the driver is to blame, that is was NOT that dark.. AGAIN, I drove in it, I vividly remember every thought I had on the way home that particular evening. I couldn't reach Todd or Levi on either of their cells,, do NOT even give me crap about how Levi was only 11 and didn't need a cell phone, we all know he was spoiled, and if given the opportunity to do it again, I WOULD NOT CHANGE A THING!, Back to my thoughts that evening, I couldn't reach either of them, I remember thinking "man it is freaking dark,, I hope they are home!", 'maybe they are playing games, maybe todd is sleeping, I have to get home quickly,,, can't go too fast, the roads are slick, they don't need a phone call from the police this close to Christmas *ironic isn't it*" So JUST DON'T argue with me about how dark it was,, I will get frustrated and end up in jail. And I have NO MONEY for bail!! so JUST DON'T!
About 3 weeks ago, I hit a wall,,, I was angry, so angry. I wanted to hate. I didn't want a priesthood blessing, what good had they done? I didn't want to attend the temple, or go to church (the driver is in my neighborhood and in my ward, and was inactive until this happened), I wanted to, and don't judge me,, get drunk, get laid and not care about the repercussions. Nothing mattered to me anymore. Kenz had her life, Jake would survive, and I only hear from 2 of my step kids and they have their own lives. I sat in my Bishop's office and sobbed. *apparently I did care,, sigh* I told him how I was feeling, then for some reason, I asked him what he thought was going through our Savior's mind while He was in Gethsemane, and walking up that hill with His cross on His back.. Did He remember all the pain He would endure, that He had agreed to endure for each of us? Did He ever say,,, 'I didn't agree to this,, I want a new plan!!', Did His Father weep as He watched His children nail His Only Begotten to the Cross, did His heart physically ache? Did He want to reach down and slap sense into every one of the participants? Was He angry,, did He want to change the plan so Christ didn't have to suffer so much?
My Bishop pointed out to me that as our loving Savior hung on the cross He said "Father remove this cup from me, but if Thou wilt, I'll drink it up,, Thy will be done" And after He had felt every single emotion that each and every one of us would experience in our earthly lives, He uttered "it is done" and His spirit left His mortal body. *So I am not going to Hell for feeling like I wanted to do the things mentioned above, I have been reassured by my Bishop YAY!, maybe other reasons, but not these ones! haha*
I decided to open my scriptures and look up atonement, people kept saying 'let the atonement work for you, that is what it is there for' and see what scriptures mentioned that, the first scripture I read was in the book of Alma in the Book of Mormon. Chapter 42, verse 29.. "and now, my son, I desire that ye should let these things trouble you no more, and only let your sins trouble you, with that trouble which shall bring you down to repentance" WHAT?? I need to let this go? I need to worry only about myself??? I need to trust my Heavenly Father? SIIIIIIIIIGH ok, If this is what I need to do then this is what I need to do. I hit my knees and prayed so hard. Prayed that I would be able to forgive and move on, to not be angry, to trust that my Father has got this, and HE will serve the justice that needs to be served, and I am NOT to judge. I suddenly felt peace I hadn't felt in months, since the accident and the weeks that followed actually.
I could finally sleep and feel rested, only about 4 or 5 hours, but I slept. I could move forward, and not feel guilty for having fun bowling, or be so very grateful for all the wonderfully supportive friends I have made because of this accident, friends that care about not only me but Kenz and Jake too, friends that have become my protectors, my confidants, my shoulder to cry on. None of them would I know if it weren't for this accident,, yet another tendermercy from a loving Father in Heaven. Kenzie and I are getting closer. We, I, tend to think before speaking. Until Jake gets home, we only have each other. I am so grateful for her and her strength she gives to me when I am having a bad day and I only hope I give her half of what she gives me when she is the one struggling.
We are moving forward, slowly, and some days are way harder than others, but we are moving forward, making new memories, rebuilding our lives, watching what we say to others who are suffering a loss, or a tragedy, *I'm sorry is so over used fyi, I prefer a hug and an I love you*. We love harder, hug longer, text more, travel through memories more often, and eagerly anticipate our missionary coming home to join us in all of this! I still cry, just not as often. When I close my eyes, sleep tends to come just a little quicker. The constant sea of nausea has subsided to a babbling brook. I find solace in my priesthood blessings, my scriptures, my family and my faith. Without faith what do we have,,, nothing. Faith will get us all through this life. It is what got our Savior through His earthly trials, it WILL get us through ours.