Friday, July 22, 2016

In the midst of tragedy comes blessings AKA LEVI'S EYE

My brother said it best on  his facebook post...

Dec 13, 2014 was a rough day for my family. Especially for my older sister as she lost her husband and 11 year old son to a dumbass drunk driver.
Dec 14,2014 was a great day for maddy.
From tragedy comes, blessings.

That driver took my life from me... my foundation... my rock ... 

As I look back over the last 19 months,, yep,, 19 long,, 19 short.. months.. I see my cup overflowing,, friendships I otherwise, never would've had... friends I can't imagine not having, can't remember a time when they weren't in my life.. We will be talking and I say "remember when,, " and they have to remind me we didn't know each other then.  

Because of that driver, I have been blessed with an #inseperablesister I love beyond words,, an #olderyoungerbrother that keeps me on the path I need to be on, even when I don't want to be on it, best friends that go puddle jumping with me when I want to hide from the world, and so many others,, too many to mention them all, *that and I can't see the screen through these damn tears* (and this is above and beyond the support and love I get from my family!!)

And this family.....
We only live about 35 miles apart.. and never would've met, if it hadn't have been for the events that happened December 13,2014.

Her humbleness, her sacred respect when she talks about my son,, my baby boy.  The tears that well up in her eyes when she speaks his name... the love she shows for him,, I adore and love her... she is such a sweet special spirit! And whether she wants it or not she now has a second mom!  ;-)

And that twinkle in her left eye,, well I like to think that's Levi smiling at me saying,, "thanks Mum,, you knew what I wanted to do, and you let me!! Thanks for that!"

There is not a doubt in my mind that he is more than thrilled that he got to help change Maddy's life for the better.  He saw firsthand what legal blindness does to a person, and how much lack of eyesight impacted his Dad, and how he struggled with every day things, like putting toothpaste on his toothbrush, or taking his insulin.

So thank you Maddy!!! Thank you for being you!  Thank you for all that you are and all you represent,, and for loving my son,,,

*I feel it is worth mentioning this,, this is the first news story that mentioned that the driver was indeed intoxicated,, at the time of the accident, we did not have the toxicology reports yet and had been told by the driver that he has not been drinking, his BAL was in fact .13  almost double the legal limit. So thank you to KUTV 2*