I worry that my being happy makes others in my family sad. I worry that they worry I will forget. I won't,, I never could. And I am beyond blessed that I have found the most amazing man in the entire world who loves me for me, who loves that I have loved and continue to love and want to love again, and he allows me to love them both and him and he doesn't feel threatened. So here is how 2019 has played out for our family this year!
Jacob and Emily are doing great in St George. Jake is in school for Zoology,& working in an assisted living home for the elderly, & nd Emily is working as an ENT assistant and loves it! They go to Disneyland as often as they can and they got to go to Europe this year and see Notre Dame before the fire that happened, the lucky ducks! I love hearing and seeing all their fun adventures they get to go on!
Jeff and Kenzie are also doing amazing in St George. Jeff is still at the Glass place, (I suck at knowing where my kids work honestly!) and truthfully it has been so fun watching him grow there! He has been there for a few years now and it's been amazing watching his confidence grow!! Kenzie is still at the title company and loves her job! Their pupps are cute and spoiled as ever! They travel as often as they can and We love hearing about their adventures too!
Heyden is celebrating one year with his girlfriend Nnanyea this month, and he is working at HealthEquity and loves it! YAY!!
Thomas and Amber are still in Billings much to Dad and I pleading and begging them to bring Warren and move down here! LOL they are expecting another baby boy in April,, and we can't wait!
Hannah is almost finished with school and getting ready to graduate, and working herself to the bone, being the responsible adult that she always is! Dad is always bragging about his baby girl, and how proud he is of her!
Brody is doing good and helping with projects around the house! Dating a girl that we adore, who has a cute little girl that Rhonda gets to spoil and love on when she comes over. <3
Tom proposed this year on July 20! and of course she said yes! We are getting married July 10, 2020! Not that far off! It's been a kafufful of emotions for me to be honest. One minute I am excited like a school girl because I have never ever been able to plan a wedding,,, I mean the first one, well let's face it, I did it to get the most amazing kids ever!, (it lasted a whole year!) the 2nd one, (the one that counted) we eloped, so this is the first wedding I have had the opportunity to plan out. But I am not 20, so we don't want to spend thousands upon thousands of $$$ on 2 hours of fun. haha And the next minute I am in a puddle of tears out of guilt feeling like I am betraying Todd. I know I am not, we talked about it, he told me to get married again. I know without a shadow of a doubt that he played a huge part in bringing Tom and I together. It's just not something I ever thought I would do again, and Tom never thought he would be doing again! hahaha
However, We have put the wedding planning on hold over the holidays!!
We are getting ready to Celebrate Christmas with most of our kids this year! Kenzie, Jeff, Jake and Emily are coming up next week from St George, and we are having Christmas a week early. We are going to celebrate it on December 13 this year. I wanted to have my babies together that day. Be together and love each other. And they agreed so that is what we are doing! We will pull out all the stops. have the full Christmas dinner, open presents, play games, go to temple square and see the lights, like I did the night before the accident with their dad and brother 5 years ago, and then just hang out. This is how we are going to make memories this holiday season.
Full of Love, happiness, and making new memories!!!
All the best to you and yours in 2020!!!! We love you all!!!!