Sunday, January 20, 2013

Drs updates.

Kenzie and I slipped down to the cafeteria for lunch after waiting all morning for the drs to come in,,, yep they come in while we are gone. So here is the update according to Todd.

They are discharging him tomorrow!!!! GLORY DAY!!!!!

Because I wasn't here I don't know all the details. I'm hoping the drs come back tonight. If not I'll have my list of questions for them before we leave tomorrow.

I will post more details as they come. I'm just thrilled that he gets to come home tomorrow. Thank you to everyone for all the prayers and fasting.

This pic is from last night. These two girls sure love their daddy. And have been such a help for me. I appreciate everything they have done for us. Our little angels.


  1. what a relief! I hope all continues to progress well for your family, Rhonda.

  2. RELEASED!!! I think hospital releases score so much higher than a jail release...or even a nursery leader release!!

  3. that's awesome news!! Love you :)

  4. Prayers Work!!!

    Keep getting better, Todd. We are in your prayers.
