Mom, MOM!!MOM!!!!!! Was what I heard being yelled out if my daughters mouth. I come around the truck and there is my sweetheart, legs under him just about to hit the asphalt. I run to him and catch his head as it slightly bounces up. This has been my worst fear since we left the hospital a month ago, that he would pass out and fall hard. Thank heavens he was right next to the truck, he hit that first. I don't it doesn't sound like a good thing but when the other option is face first on asphalt,,, yea I'm glad the truck was there.
He quickly came to and the first words out of his mouth were, "I don't know where I am". He looked up at me and said "honey, I'm ok. I have to get my legs out from under me". Ok at least he knew who I was and he knew Kenzie. We laid him down on the asphalt and let him rest for a bit.
I told him, we are here in town, lets get you looked at. He fought me on it, but lets face it, I usually get my way. So we go to the instacare here in town and they won't even look at him. We are told he has to go to the ER. Even if he was only out for no more that 30 seconds. So we go to the ER. We pull up and a nurse comes running out with a wheelchair, and I think the instacare has called,, nope, we just pulled up right in front of the door and she was there. She heard he passed out and ran him back, by the time I got back there they were doing another EKG, blood panel and other tests. After about an hour and a half we get word that his kidneys have gone from a 2.7 to a 4.1. NOT GOOD!!!!! He's very dehydrated, which is why he passed out. He hasn't been able to keep much of anything down. And that has caused his kidneys to "crash" even more.
So now we are here until the drs get his fluids up and can figure out why he isn't keeping food down.
Dr. Goodger has already been in and said it isn't like last time, they just need to find out why. So that's the good news. We should know more tomorrow morning.
At least we were in St. George when it happened.
Tell Todd that scaring you is not a very nice Valentine's surprise! We will be praying for both of you. Love you both lots!