LAST Thursday, March 17, we were up for clinic and Erma asked if we felt comfortable draining the dialysis fluid at home, so she could send us on our way and we could get home at a descent hour. "sure, NO PROBLEM! We got this!" Well,, the fluid only had to be in Todd for about an hour, so we went to visit Kenz and hang out at her New BIGGER apartment! "DING" timer goes off, and I meticulously go through the steps of sanitizing my hands thoroughly, giving medical masks to Kenz, Todd and I, closing the windows, turning off any fans, re sanitizing, opening up the supplies I need, re sanitizing, and finally hook up my patient,, *I'm telling you,,, BIG FAT NURSING DEGREE RIGHT HERE BABY!*, and YAY, fluid starts flowing,,,,,,,, and then,,,,,,, STOPS! WTH??? There is 2000 ml of fluid in this man's peritoneal cavity, where the crap is it,,, *follow the pun, you'll see it in a minute!*, Quickly I call Erma, she says get down to the clinic,, off we go,,, the REAL nurse uses a syringe to try to siphon the fluid out to no avail, so she sends us to Xray, and that Todd is probably going to be diagnosed with FOS... her words not mine, although that hasn't stopped me from quoting her now! :)
So, we go to xray, and head home. The next morning we get a call from Erma saying yes, it's FOS syndrome,, thanks to all Todd's meds he takes daily, he is literally FULL OF S*&^. and his bowels/colon have his catheter trapped up high... to fix this,, he needs to poop, poop, poop, poop, poop. Erma sent us home with meds the day before to help this process along,,, and we were diligent for the last week.
That brings us to yesterday,, we go back up to St Geez, go to xray, go back to Erma, and sure enough here is what came back
So here is what we are hoping for,, Lots and Lots of POOP! Before Thursday, when we go BACK to St Geez for another xray and hopefully, by clearing it all out, that curly q thingy in the circle on the xray, will descend on it's own to the rectangular area,, OTHERWISE,,, *sigh* our surgeon will have to go back in and move it manually,, hopefully on friday! We were supposed to start dialysis at home on Thursday this week. Everything happens for a reason right???
As for the 2000 ml we pumped into Todd last week,, his body absorbed it. Hopefully by clearing out his colon he will also lose a lot of excess fluid!!!
On the up side,,, I now have medical proof my hubby is totally and completely full of CRAP!! *silver lining right,, I mean how many wives can actually say they have MEDICAL proof of this???*
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