So sorry it has been sooo long since my last post. Things have been crazy busy as you can imagine!!! And I don't like to complain,, it really doesn't help anything and only stresses me out, so I decided to wait until I was in a better place before blogging!! Who wants to read negativity??
We had an appointment up in Salt Lake City with the transplant team in June, to be assessed and have a bunch of tests done to make sure Todd was mentally sound to undergo a surgery,, a major surgery. And he passed,, surprisingly on the mental part, haha. He has one more online "class" to take next week then he will officially be on the transplant list, the good thing is they back date it to when he started dialysis, back in March,, so YAY!!! So yes we are hoping we can find a live donor, as the transplant tends to happen way quicker. The down side,, our sweet daughter Kenzie wants to be a donor, she's only 21, and apparently, it's really hard on your kidney during pregnancy, if you only have one... and NO SHE IS NOT PREGNANT, but she hopes to be one day. (Let me mention here that all of our older kids have voiced a desire to donate a kidney, due to the fact that three of them have paternal grandparents and maternal grandparents that have diabetes, and their dad has it, we are not willing to even let them go through the process, they are going to need both kidneys!!) Of course there are a bunch of stipulations for being a donor,... so,, if you are interested, I'm only saying this because we have had numerous people ask us, shoot me an email at, and I will send you the contact info for the donor contact in Salt Lake City.
We still go to St George, only now it's down to about twice a month, thank heavens!!! back and forth every week was killing me,, and Todd! And my poor car! haha
Everything is going good.. Todd does dialysis here at home every night, it's nice to not have to go to a clinic 3-4 times a week for dialysis, it's also calming to me to know that his blood is not leaving his body to be cleaned that often! His swelling is all but gone! And his energy is up, until he stands up, which we have his list of meds to thank for the ongoing dizziness he experiences,,, although he has gone the last 30 days without using a cane!!! YAY for tiny baby steps!
My parents came for a visit and it was so greatly appreciated, long awaited and much needed! The only down side was I worked half the time they were here. I didn't get to spend as much time with them as I would have liked however,, it was nice to have the support right here, in my house, helping me cook, clean, fix ceiling fans, I wish we lived closer!!!!!
So we just keep plugging along, and doing what the dr's say, and waiting for the disability to kick in!
Keep Smiling and know all is as it should be!!! Thank you for all your love and support!!!!
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