Saturday, March 14, 2015

It's been a hard day....

It's been a fantabulous day!!!  I wouldn't have done it any other way!  I woke up crying, remembering years past and how I would wake him up by jumping on his bed singing "Happy birthday to YOUUUUUUU!" and him pulling the covers over his head and trying to kick me out of his room!  *oh the fun times we had!*, I knew I would need help getting through today so I put out an APB to my awesome home teacher and he came down and gave me a much needed priesthood blessing.  *OH I LOVE TO PARTAKE IN THE LAYING ON OF HANDS!*

We went to the graves today, and for the first time, I brought flowers,, and a batman balloon that said happy birthday, for my baby.  My inlaws were there waiting, along with two of my sisters in law and their families.  I cried,,, I cried because I only was able to buy him flowers and a balloon for his birthday, I cried because I selfishly wanted him at home, in bed, with the covers pulled up, I cried because tomorrow he was supposed to be ordained a Deacon, I cried. 

We came home and got ready to head to Red Robin for the celebratory feast that was about to ensue... 75 people were there, 75 PEOPLE!  And each one of them are like family to me.  Every single one of them have touched my life in one good way or another.  I just kind of stood back and looked at that awesome room overflowing with love for a boy they hardly knew, and his grieving Mum.  There was so much happiness, so much love, so much friendship,, so much.....  the list goes on and on.  I am in awe of it all!  *watch for pictures to come shortly!*

The staff was simply a-freaking-mazing!!!   The manager told me she was having anxiety all day over making sure everything was perfect, she kept asking me if I was happy, if there was anything she needed to get fixed,, I don't think one order was mixed up!!!!   They brought us appetizers and everyone was asking if I had ordered them,, NO I DID NOT, those were on the house!!  As we left, Natalie, the manager told me that if we wanted to do it every year to please do so, she loved having us and would love to do it again for Levi. 

Now I am home,, with Kenzie, Jeff and my Mum..  my heart is happy, my eyes are smiling,, and I am at peace still.

A friend told me today that he has realized we are never alone,, and he is right, even when we are all alone, we are never alone, those that have gone before us are always with us,

I'm already there
Take a look around
I'm the sunshine in your hair
I'm the shadow on the ground
I'm the whisper in the wind
I'm your imaginary friend
And I know I'm in your prayers...

Thank you to everyone who made a hard tearful day, an amazing day of memories and love!!!!

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