"hang in there, it'll get easier,, you are so strong, I don't know how you do it, this shall pass," there are others, I think I have just blocked them out for ease of survival.
Here are my responses to each of these:
I can do nothing BUT hang in there, and FYI, that thread I am hanging onto could snap at any given time.
No it won't get easier! EVER! the pain may subside a little, I hear the tears eventually stop, but there will always be triggers, and days where I just want to cry. So if that is what you mean by "it'll get easier" then ok I guess it will

How do I do it? I have no clue. I wake up, I get up, and like a robot I do what needs to be done, so I can fall exhausted into bed and pray sleep will come,, beautiful dreamless sleep!. That is how I do it. I am living groundhog day over and over and every time I try to mix it up a little I get myself in trouble. So I am just going to keep living groundhog day if that's ok with everyone.
This will NEVER pass. I will carry this with me every single day until I get to be in my husband's arms and hear his sweet voice again. Even if I do find someone to share this life with, I will always ache for him and my son.
I worry daily. About my kids, about my missionary coming home to just me. About being a burden to anyone, whining too much, crying too much, not being happy enough, not being good enough, not being all those things y'all tell me I am on a daily basis.
No one wants the tears to stop more than I do. No one wants to turn back the clock more than I do. I miss them,, I miss every single thing, every single day!
please just know I am trying, I am doing the best I absolutely can at this point. There is absolutely nothing normal about my life, then again when have I ever been normal??
Thank you to all of you for your patience and love, and patience, and love, and....
*sigh* I miss the old me. And I am trying to figure out this new one...
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