Monday, December 7, 2015

Everything happens for a reason,,,,,

I have heard this statement, even said it from time to time, so many times over the last 12 months, and I believed it,,, until one day it hit me out of the blue...

NO! Not everything happens for a reason, unless that reason is someone's stupidity... sometimes bad things happen to good people.  There is no rhyme or reason to it, there is no purpose in it happening, it is not meant to help you, make you stronger, bring you peace, etc. etc.. sometimes stuff just happens!!!!

Let me be clear, I believe that we agree to everything that will happen on this earth in the pre-existence, before we are born.  I believe with all my heart, that I sat upon my Heavenly Father's knee and promised him that I would be "oh so good" if He would just let me go down to Earth and experience having a body.  A body that bled, that loved, that hurt, that ached, that felt.  I firmly believe that He showed me everything that would happen, in my life, that we sat together and He said to me, 'my precious daughter, you will experience heartache like no other.  You will want to give up, you will want to come back, you will want to quit... please know that I love you, that I am here for you, all you have to do is call Me, and I am there'.  He knew what would happen, He knew that on that day, at that time, a drunk driver would take what I held dearest to me from me. He knew,, and He could've stopped it,, but then why? Why would He have given us His Son, Why would He have let Himself experience such heartache and pain as to watch His children persecute and torture His Only Begotten Son?

I was talking to a friend that is more like an awesomely protective older brother, who is really younger than me,,, and I said, you know,, there is no reason this happened,,, right?  and he whoelheartedly agreed with me... that is when I was able to look at this differently...

There was no reason, it was not planned, but it was agreed to.  I agreed to go through this.. my children agreed to go through it, my family agreed to as well.  *Although they may not agree with me saying this.. haha*  It wasn't so I could be stronger,,, I am plenty strong enough, honestly!, It was simply an accident, caused by the negligence on someone else's part. And if the Lord had stepped it, and stopped this person's decision, then the Atonement would have been useless.  Everything has a price, and that price has been paid by our Savior.

Right now, my job, as much as I hate it, is to forgive... forgive this man for taking the life of my husband, my son.  For robbing my children of having a father for the important stuff, of having a grandfather for their kids, and an Uncle who would get down and play with them and teach them all the bad things to do.  Right now, my job, is to be strong for my children. To show them, as our Father in Heaven has shown us, how to forgive the unforgiveable.  How to keep moving forward when all we all want to do is just stop.

That is my only job right now.  Myself and my family.... we will be ok.  Eventually, not today, not tomorrow, not next week,, but we will be ok.... We will lean on each other, and the Lord, we will hold each other, pick each other up, and above all listen.... we will take turns crying,, there will be days when I will be as solid as a rock, and there will be days when I will need someone else to be the rock, and that's ok!

I love this article and the message it has.....

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